European Eel Fishing: Techniques, Bait and Gear
A somewhat unusual fish for the majority of the population, both in appearance and in lifestyle. It has an elongated body, a bit like a…
Saltwater Fishing
A somewhat unusual fish for the majority of the population, both in appearance and in lifestyle. It has an elongated body, a bit like a…
Conger eels are a large family of eel-like fish that make up the conger family. The family includes about 32 genera and at least 160…
Large northern fish, which gave the name to a large family of representatives of the ichthyofauna. The appearance of the fish is well known. This…
Tarpon is a genus of large marine fish that includes two species: the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific. The appearance of tarpon can resemble a large bleak…
Horse mackerel, in the common sense, is the name of a large group of fish that are more likely to be of commercial importance. Horse…
Skates are a very significant group of marine animals in terms of species composition. Skates are called the superorder of cartilaginous fish, which includes about…
Sea fish, outwardly similar to freshwater zander, but not related species. This is a fairly large genus of marine fish, numbering about 12 subspecies, but…
Mackerel – a large, isolated family of marine fish of the order of perciformes. The whole family is enclosed in 15 genera, in which there…
Scorpionfish (or Scorpaenidae) belong to the vast family of scorpion, scorpion-like squad. They are close to perch-like, but differ in a number of features. In…
Amberjack belong to the vast family of horse mackerels, which, in turn, belong to the percussion order. Amberjack fish are represented by a large number…
Whitefish is characterized by a wide variety of forms within the biological species. Fish can vary quite a lot, both externally and in lifestyle. Residential…
Baltic herring – fish, a subspecies of the Atlantic herring from the same family. In appearance – a typical representative of herring. The fish has…
Pollock is one of the many species of codfish. A popular recreational and industrial fishing destination in the North Atlantic. The fish is medium in…
Useful information about cisco: Two species are distinguished: European and Siberian vendace. Belongs to the whitefish family. European vendace, this is a lake and lake-river…
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